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PL8 Catalogue

PL8 Catalogue PL8 BACK Description The PL8 collection combines passion, quality, sophisticated design, innovative features and...


PL8 Catalogue



The PL8 collection combines passion, quality, sophisticated design, innovative features and above all – refined function. What could be better to connect with people than an informative and well designed catalog?

I always say that a nice catalog design is more than just making a collection of creative, colorful pages to flip through to get an overall idea of the product or service. To stand out, we have to give our audience that “extra touch” to the design. Catalogs help to create the buzz that guide users to invest in the products!

“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals.”
– David Ogilvy, advertising tycoon, known as the “Father of Advertising”